I just signed up to the new Chinese based AI called DeepSeek to try it out. Ive previously used ChatGPT occasionally and find it handy for advanced web based knowledge searching. Basically stuff like “what is the best common chemical to use when cleaning up oily substances”. Rather than searching through a number of web page results to find what the common recommendations are, and which ones seem best, I can use an AI to do that stuff for me.
When it first was released, one thing that showed me the effectiveness of ChatGPT was when I asked it to “describe the symptoms of ADHD in Shakespearean English“. Its answer was factually correct, but surprisingly it was witty, followed similar language to the Bard’s writings, and even rhymed.
I thought I would compare the results of the same prompt, on both AIs. I have left the formatting the same as what each AI chose. What do you think – which one is the better?
Personally, I find the DeepSeek result more pleasing and ends on a positive note, but this is arguably not directly addressing the prompt, but to me shows a little more nuance. Its also interesting that the both chose different formats: ChatGPT went more for a monologue style, whereas DeepSeek used a poetry style.
Ah, fair question, good friend! To frame the symptoms of ADHD in the tongue of the Bard, we may say thus:
Lo, a mind of restless nature, doth wander here and there, With thoughts as fleeting as the wind, and focus most rare. The eyes do dart about, distracted by each passing sight, And speech doth flow as swiftly as a river’s endless flight.
Tasks begun with zeal, yet left incomplete, For the mind doth flit like a bird on the wing, seeking new retreat. One doth struggle mightily to stay upon the task, And oft forgetteth what was once asked.
The soul is quick to act, yet slow to think, And patience, alas! Doth slip away like ink. Disorganization doth reign, with clutter left untold, And plans and lists doth scatter as leaves from trees grown old.
In social company, the restless spirit may too show, For interruption cometh quick, with words to overthrow. Impulsive actions lead the way, and oft with regret, The hand doth move before the mind hath settled its debt.
Thus, with many traits of swift and scattered mind, The sufferer doth wander, lost yet still inclined, To seek the quiet peace of focus and grace, That eludes them, as they struggle in the race.
Wouldst thou say such traits be familiar to thee or one thou know?
Verily, attend thee closely, for I shall describe the affliction known as ADHD in the manner of the Bard’s tongue:
Hark! The restless mind, a tempest wild,
Doth leap from thought to thought, like sprites beguiled.
No task doth hold its grasp for long, I fear,
For fleeting fancy draws the eye and ear.The limbs, they fidget, ever in a stir,
As if some unseen force doth them confer
A boundless energy, yet misapplied,
Like ships unmoored, adrift on Fortune’s tide.Impulsive words, unbridled, oft escape,
Ere reason’s hand can still the tongue’s swift jape.
The hourglass of time doth lose its sand,
For tasks undone do multiply unplanned.Yet mark thee well, though chaos seems to reign,
A spark of brilliance oft doth light the brain.
For in this whirlwind, creativity,
Doth flourish like a wild and boundless sea.Thus, though this mind may wander far and wide,
‘Tis not devoid of worth, nor yet of pride.
For in its depths, a treasure may be found,
If patience and compassion do abound.So ends my tale of this peculiar state,
A mind both cursed and blessed by fate.